News, Treatments
Same day appointments for things that can’t wait.
There are certain things that can happen to your teeth, that just can’t wait. That is why we try to make sure that there is availability every day, for just that reason. We feel that our patients are like one of the family and who wants to have a family member with toothache?
There are a number of things that can happen to you out of the blue. A tooth might break, a crown could come loose, your tooth might start to hurt.
On the rare occasion of that happening to you then make sure you give us a call as soon as you can. We may not be able to see you that very minute, but we can normally accommodate you that day. We usually can.
Please don’t just turn up unannounced. If the available appointments are later on that day, we could have saved you a trip if you had called us first.
If there is a friend or member of the family that is having problems, and they are not a practice member, then we have a solution for that. We call it the Rapid rescue. There is a set fee of £100, to include consultation and emergency treatment of that problem. This means that you do not have to think about the financial aspect of the problem, and we can concentrate on getting you or your friend better.
Click here for more information on the Rapid Rescue
For patients who are practice members, emergency consultations are no extra charge. There may be a charge for any treatment carried out, but don’t forget you get your 10% discount.